Observatory on Local Autonomy
European Team


Max-Emanuel Geis is Chair of Public Law at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He is also Director of the Centre for Academic and University Law and member of the Evaluation Committee of the National Science Council.

![[Translate to English:] Ferdinand Xhaferaj](/fileadmin/_processed_/6/1/csm_Ferdinand_Xhaferaj_e1fbe4aae9.jpeg)
Ferdinand Xhaferaf is associate professor at the Law Department of the Bedër University in Tirana. He specialises in political science.
Online CV : https://law.beder.edu.al/sh/content/default/stafi-20-7/0/302/?_con=0&cid=47

![[Translate to English:] Herwig Reynaert](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/8/csm_Herwig-Reynaert_b3580be5a7.png)
Herwig Reynaert is Professor of Political Science at Ghent University. He is also Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and President of the Centre for local Policies.
Online CV: biblio.ugent.be/person/801000801824

Jean-Benoit Pilet is a professor of political science at the Free University of Brussels and a member of the Political Life Research Centre (Cevipol).


Margarita Shivergueva is a full professor at the Department of Political Science at the New Bulgarian University. She holds the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in European Economics and since 2006 she has been the Director of the Jean Monnet Centre for European Policies.


Constantinos Kombos is associate professor in public law at the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus. He specialises in constitutional law and European Union law.


Ivan Kopric is professor of administrative law and administrative sciences at the University of Zagreb. He is also head of the department of administrative sciences, president of the institute of public administration in Zagreb, and chairman of the scientific committee of the Croatian academy of legal sciences.
Online CV : https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/en/ivan.kopric


Gerd Battrup is associate professor at the Southern Danish University, specialising in constitutional law.

![[Translate to English:] Marc Vilalta Reixach](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/4/csm_Marc_Vilalta_Reicha_18481006c3.jpg)
Marc Vilalta Reixach is a doctor of law and associate professor. He specialises in administrative law and local government law. He is attached to the Observatory of Public Law of the University of Barcelona.

Blanca Soro Mateo is a doctor and professor of administrative law at the University of Murcia. She also runs Bioderecho.es Magazine.


Vallo Olle is associated professor in administrative law at the faculty of Law, University of Tartu, where he also teaches local government law. He is also a member of the independent expert group on the European Charter of Local Self-Government (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), Council of Europe.


Eija Mäkinen is a professor of administrative law at the University of Vaasa. Her main fields of research are comparative administrative law, local law, and planning law.


Stéphane Guérard is associate professor in public law. He is a member of CERAPS (CNRS/ UMR 8026). He specialises in comparative local law, administrative law, and civil service law.


Nikolaos-Komninos Hlepas is a associate professor (Local Governance and Local Self-Government), Department of Political Science and Public Administration, National and Capodistrian University of Athens. He is also a member of the independent expert group of the Council of Europe - Congress of Local Authorities and Regions (ECLR).

![[Translate to English:] István Balázs](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/7/csm_Istvan-BALAZS_bb37ba34e3.jpg)
István Balázs is professor of administrative law and Head of the administrative law teaching unit at the University of Debrecen. He is attached to the Institute of legal studies and the centre of excellence of the Hungarian Academy of sciences.
Online CV : https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&sz_ID=1432&lang=EN


Caroline Creamer is Deputy Director of the International Centre for local and regional development and a researcher at the National Institute for regional and spatial analysis (NIRSA) at the National University of Ireland (NUI) Maynooth.

Gerard Conway is aassociate professor in Law at Brunel University London. His research interests include legal reasoning, European Union constitutional law, comparative public law, and European and international criminal law. He is the OLA referent for England.

Brendan O’Keeffe is aassociate professor in Geography at the College of Mary Immaculate, University of Limerick. He specialises in regional and rural geography. He is affiliated with the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) and the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD).


Magnús Árni Skjöld Magnusson is a lecturer at Bifröst University and holds a PhD in political science from the University of Iceland. He also holds a master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Cambridge (UK).

![[Translate to English:] Claudia Tubertini](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/c/csm_Claudia_Tubertini_4f7a05b66f.jpg)
Claudia Tubertini is Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna. She specialises in administrative law and local government law. She is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Bologna School of Public Administration.
Online CV : https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/claudia.tubertini/cv-en


Iveta Reinholde is associate professor in public management at the Faculty of social sciences, University of Latvia. She is also the Head of the Department of political science. Her main research areas include administrative reforms, public innovations, local government, and public policy. She is also one of the independent experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in Europe (CLRAE), Council of Europe).


Algirdas Astraukas is an economist by training and a lecturer at the Faculty of Administration and the Faculty of Law of Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius. He is also an advisor to the State Administration and Local Government Committee of the Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania.

Vaidotas A. Vaicaitis is associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Vilnius University. His research interests include constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, administrative law, legal theory, and history.


Philippe Poirier orofessor of political science at the University of Luxembourg where he coordinates the Research Program on European Governance. Since September 2006, he is also an associate professor at the School of advanced studies in information and communication sciences of the University of Paris-Sorbonne IV.


Isabelle Calleja Ragonesi is Head of the Department of international relations at the University of Malta, where she teaches, among others, international politics through courses on politics and governance, political parties, democratisation in Southern Europe and North Africa, European Union politics and external relations.
Online CV : https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/isabellecalleja

Kevin Aquilina is associate professor of public law and Head of the department of media, communications and technology Llaw at the Faculty of Law, University of Malta. He teaches public international law, environmental law and administrative law. He is a regular contributor to IRIS (European Audiovisual Observatory of the Council of Europe).

![[Translate to English:] Maria Orlov](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/a/csm_Maria_Orlovjpg_2066facb18.jpg)
Maria Orlov is a doctor of law and associate professor of administrative law and administrative sciences. She is attached to the department of public Law and border security /department of public law of the Faculty of law and social sciences of the State University "Alecu Russo" in Balti. She is also President of the Institute of administrative sciences of the Republic of Moldova.
Online CV : http://www.old.usarb.md/fileadmin/catedre/drept_public/CV/Depersonalizate/Orlov_Maria.pdf


Stéphane Guérard is asoociate professor in public law. He is a member of CERAPS (CNRS/ UMR 8026). He specialises in comparative local law, administrative law, and civil service law.


Nenad Koprivica is a PhD student at the University of Montenegro, specialising in political science and legal studies.


Iris Nguyên-Duy teaches human rights at the University of Agder (UiA), and is a researcher in public and comparative law.

Dag Ingvar Jacobsen is professor of political science and public management at Ander Kristiansand University. His research interests are local public service management, spatial planning, and public policy leadership.


Marcel Boogers is a professor at the School of policy studies and public administration at the University of Twente. His research interests include local elites, local political parties, political cultures, and the relationship between central and local government.

Linze Schaap is associate professor at the School of political studies and public administration of Tilburg University. He is the coordinator of the permanent group on governance and local democracy studies of the European Group for public administration (EGPA), International Institute of Administrative Sciences.


Anna Chmierlarz-Grochal is doctor of law and assistant professor of constitutional law at the department of constitutional law at the University of Łódź. She is also a specialist assistant in European law at the Case Law Office of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw.
Adam Bosiacki is professor of public law, department of law and political science, University of Warsaw.

Robert Pyka is professor of sociology and political science at the Institute of sociology, University of Silesia. He is also President of the Observatory of urban and metropolitan processes.
Kamil Glinka is an assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Wrocław; he is also a manager and a contractor of research projects financed by National Science Centre of the Republic of Polandd. His research area includes : public governance, urban and regional policy, public communication, place branding and political marketing.

![[Translate to English:] Carla Amada Gomez](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/c/csm_Carla_Amado_Gomes_2f82d12e8a.jpg)
Carla Amada Gomez is an associate professor at the Faculty of law of the University of Lisbon, in environmental law, administrative law and administrative litigation aw. She is also a researcher at the Centre for research in public law (CIDP) and a visiting professor at the Faculty of law of the Portuguese Catholic University (Porto).
Online CV : https://www.icjp.pt/cidp/investigadores/3904/1886


Petr Jüptner is associate professor at the Institute of political studies, Faculty of political science, Charles University, Prague. He specialises in local government and mayoral elections.

![[Translate to English:] Ana Rodica Staiculescu](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/0/csm_Ana_STAICULESCU_19558852b7.jpg)
Ana Rodica Staiculescu is professor of sociology and a qualified researcher. She specialises in sociology and demography. She is attached to the doctoral school of sociology in Bucharest and to the Andrei Saguna University in Constanta.
Online CV : https://doctorat.unibuc.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/CvEuropass-ProfARS-ianuarie-2020.doc

Emil Balan is professor and vice-rector of the National School of political and administrative studies in Bucharest. He teaches administrative law, financial law, administrative procedure and administrative property law.

Radu Carp is a professor at the Faculty of political sciences, University of Bucharest. He is also professor and research associate at Universitá degli Studi Firenze, Institut für Sozialethik, Universität Wien, Trnava University, Umea University, Charles University of Prague, University of Szeged, The Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Mykolo Romerio Universitetas of Vilnius, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, TMC Asser Institut, The Hague.

Dana Tofan is a professor of public law at the University of Bucharest.


Alistair Cole is professor of political science at the School of european studies, Cardiff University, with a research interest in contemporary comparative European politics. He is the OLA focal point for Wales.

Colin Copus is professor of Local Government and Head of the local government research unit in the department of public policy at De Montfort University, Leicester. His research interests include party politics at the local level, local political leadership, the changing role of the local elected representative and small parties and independent elected representatives. He studies and writes on English national identity and English governance. He is the OLA referent for England.

Deborah Peel is professor of urban and regional planning and senior fellow at the Built Environment Research Institute, University of Ulster. Her research interests include forms of modern governance, urban planning, stakeholder engagement and participation, and the integration of spatial planning into all areas of public policy. She is the OLA reference for Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Donatella Casale has a PhD in management and business administration from the department of economics and management of the University of Pisa.


Jelena Jerinic is associate professor of constitutional law, administrative law and local self-government law. She is also a member of the Group of Experts for the European Charter of Local Self-Government at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Together with colleagues from the Standing Committee of Towns and Municipalities and PALGO Centre, she is co-editor of "Polis", a journal on public policy.
Online CV : http://pravnifakultet.rs/nastavni-kadar-main/vanredni-profesori/doc-dr-jelena-jerinic/


Malina Malikova is professor of political science and director of the Institute of public policy, Comenius University in Bratislava. She is also a member of the Reading Committee of the Slovak Sociological Review.


Primož Pevcin is associate professor in public sector economics at the Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana. His research focuses on the economic analysis of the government system, policy, and law and on business-government relations.


Stig Montin is professor of political science at the School of administration, University of Gothenburg. His areas of research are local and regional governance and democracy and, more broadly, public administration.


Maksym Kolisnyk is PhD. student and associate professor at the department of economics and management of Kharkiv National University.